If you work in a dangerous job, you know the value of flame-resistant clothing. However, there may come a time when it's no longer safe to wear this gear. When there are signs that you need to retire your flame-resistant clothing, you should do so as soon as possible so that you can stay safe on the job site.

Your Clothing Has a Bad Odor

There are many things you can't change, but one thing that's in your control is the smell of your clothing. If you have flame-resistant clothing with a foul odor or that smells like smoke, it's time to retire it. An online FR clothing store can help you replace your essential items and deliver them directly to your door!

Your Clothing Is Severely Damaged

If your flame-resistant clothing has become damaged, it may be time to retire it. Damage to the clothing can make it ineffective or unsafe to wear. The damage can occur due to chemicals, heat, moisture, or wear and tear.

If there's evidence of heat damage, such as melted stitching along the seams, this indicates a need for immediate replacement!

Your Clothing Doesn’t Fit Properly

One of the most important aspects of flame-resistant clothing is that it shouldn't restrict movement. This is a safety issue but also an issue regarding comfort. If you're working in a hot environment, wearing clothing that restricts your movement will cause you to get sweaty and uncomfortable. You may find yourself taking off your flame-resistant gear more often than necessary due to this discomfort. Additionally, if the clothing is too heavy or restrictive, you'll be less able to work efficiently while wearing it.

Furthermore, FR clothing that’s too large can also be a workplace hazard. Anything too loose can catch on various things. It's also important to consider how you’ll look in the workplace when wearing your flame-resistant clothing, as it may affect the company's image with clients or customers.

Keep Your FR Clothing Ready

That's the rundown on how to tell when you need to retire your flame-resistant clothing. This includes odors, as well as extreme wear-and-tear in general. The takeaway is pretty simple: if it has too much damage, you should discard it.

When you store or handle your flame-resistant clothing, you should take steps to avoid diminishing its functional properties. Improper cleaning methods and storage practices can also cause problems. Maintain your clothing so that you can continue to stay safe at work.

Brittany Williams